Comparative and Superlative

           1.      Meaning of comparative & superlative/ pengertian comparative dan superlative degree
·           Comparative
In grammar, the comparative is the form of an adjective or adverb which denotes the degree or grade by which a person, thing, or other entity has a property or quality greater or less in extent than that of another, and is used in this context with a subordinating conjunction, such as than,, etc.  If three or more items are being compared, the corresponding superlative needs to be used instead.
·           Superlative
In grammar, the superlative is the form of an adjective (or adverb) that indicates that the person or thing (or action) modified has the quality of the adjective (or adverb) to a degree greater than that of anything it is being compared to in a given context. English superlatives are typically formed with the suffix -est (e.g. healthiest, weakest) or the word most (most recent, most interesting)..
2.      Function/ fungsi comparative dan superlative
·         Comparative
Comparative is used when comparing two things, or when comparing something(s) with other things.
·         Superlative
Superlative is used when comparing more than two things, or when one in a group has the greatest amount of a quality.
3.      Formula
      4.      Rules use the formula
·         Comparetive Form
Comparative Form is used to compare two things or persons that are different.
Comparative Degree menggunakan rumus :
·         Superlative Form
Superlative Form is used to compare three or more things or persons.
Superlative Degree menggunakan rumus :
5.      Comparative Sentences/ kalimat comparative
1.         My grades are lower than my sister's
2.         Merry is more diligent than Ahmad.
3.         My pen is cheaper than Isma pen.
4.         Muh. Ikhsan Nur runs faster than Ismail Marsuki.
5.         Muh. Rifqy spends more hours at campus than does Ahkam.
6.         The results of the current experiment appear to be more consistent than were the results of any previous tests.
7.         My Brother more handsome than bachtiar.
8.         My niece cuter than Via.
9.         Joseph is taller than beni
10.      I buy more cheese than Amir.
11.      He buys less sugar than we do
12.      A car is more expensive than a bicycle.
13.      The film was more exciting than the book.
14.      Mt. Everest is higher than Mt. Blanc.
15.      I had a bigger meal than you.
          6.      Superlative Sentences/ kalimat superlative
1.        Ahkam is the laziest in his class.
2.        Muh. Rifqy is the most diligent in his class.
3.        Imamsyah is the most handsome in his class.
4.        Iswahyudi is the best football player in Makassar.
5.        Opi is the cutest student in my school.
6.        Bachtera is the tallest boy in my family.
7.        I think computer is the most interesting device i've ever tried.
8.        Igor can tell you the funniest joke you've ever heard.
9.        The most important thing for student is to study hard.
10.     Jonathan is the most careful person i've ever met.
11.     Dina's home is the farthest from all of us.
12.     Mexico is the most polluted city in the world.
13.     Aditya are the most boring person i've ever knew.
14.     Irfan is the most angry when he know that we insult the teachers. 
15.     Mala always get the best score in math subject.


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